Please note that using our website after reading this document constitutes acceptance of the terms. This includes consenting to the collection and processing of your personally identifying information.


What to Expect From Us

Your privacy is important to us. We use your data for the sole purpose of providing and improving our services. When it comes to data collecting, we follow a few fundamental principles:

We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it. That means we do ask for things like your name and contact details, but not unnecessary details about your life.

We don’t share your personal information with anyone else except to comply with the law, protect our rights, or build our business by developing our products and services.

We don’t store personal information on our servers unless it’s required for the ongoing operation of our site or our business. You can ask us to delete it at any time.

We will respond to any requests for assistance, questions, or feedback as soon as possible. We may also share the substance of your communication, without any personally identifiable information, to support other customers and clients who may benefit from the answer we provide (e.g. in FAQs).

If you have supplied us with any contact details, such as your email address and/or phone number, we may occasionally contact you to let you know about things like new products or services, keep you updated with any new developments or special offers, or ask for your feedback. We make every effort to ensure these communications are as interesting and helpful as possible.

We take all reasonable measures to protect your data and we do not on-sell personal information.

Your Rights to Your Data

If you have an account on this site, you have left comments, or you have interacted with it, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal information we hold about you. This will include information you have provided through mechanisms such as contact forms, pop-ups, or special offer pages. You can also request that we edit or erase this information at any time. However, please note this does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

We are governed by the State of Texas.

Types of Data We Collect

Like most website operators, we collect de-identified information that web browsers and servers make available. Our purpose in collecting this data is to better understand the way visitors use our website. From time to time, we may release aggregated information – for example, by publishing a report on user trends. Even if your visit is counted, people will never be able to identify you.

Internet Protocol

We also collect information that may identify you, such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users and for users leaving comments on our blogs. This information is only ever disclosed for the reasons stated above; otherwise, it’s only visible to our website administrators.

Common types of information we collect can include:

Contact Forms

Sometimes, you may choose to interact with our website in a way that requires us to collect details that may personally identify you. Common examples of this are downloading a free product, signing up for a service, completing a transaction, or filling out a contact form and asking us to contact you.

The amount and type of information we gather depends on the interaction. We may require:

These details will be stored in a secure database and we may use them for future marketing efforts.

Online Payments

Our website may facilitate online payments for products or services. We collect and pass payment data to the payment gateway to enable this to occur, however, we do not store any of your payment data.


A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on your computer. Your computer shares this information every time you return. You accept that our website may place cookies on your computer to help us deliver our products and services as efficiently and effectively as possible.

These include:

You can clear your cookies at any time by accessing the settings of your browser or smartphone.


Our business does not address anyone under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information form any children. If you have any concerns about this, please contact us.

How We Use Your Data 

Operating our Business

The data we collect is used for various purposes related to running our business, including:


Disclosure of Third-Party Analytics

Our website uses third-party analytics providers to understand how visitors use our site. We use this information to improve our content and the user experience we offer. These include:

We will not, and will not assist or permit any third party to, pass information to Google or Facebook that either company could recognize as personally identifiable information. We only gather the information we actually need to be able to deliver our products and services effectively.

We don’t collect information just for the sake of it. You are free to withhold any information you don’t wish to share online. We welcome you to call us if you don’t wish to interact with our website.

Aggregated Statistics

We may collect statistics about the way visitors behave when they visit our website. We may monitor the most popular pages, the amount of time visitors spend on each page, the number of pages visited, the most common entry and exit pages, and more. We may also use third-party services, such as Akismet, to help identify spam. We may display this information publicly, but it will be general in nature and will never include any of the personal details of our website visitors.

How We Protect Your Data

We are committed to protecting the personal information of all our website visitors. We will disclose it only to our employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations only when:

  1. They need to know the information in order to act on our behalf, and
  2. They have agreed not to share that information with others.

Some of these people and companies may be located outside the United States, however, they are all required to sign an agreement promising they will protect our data and not disclose it to others.

Necessary Retention of Data

We will retain your personal data only as long as is necessary to complete our business operations or comply with the law. We retain usage data for internal analysis purposes and delete all other data.

Transfer of Data

Your personal information may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside your state or country of residence. You acknowledge that this may occur and you agree to such transfers. Every effort will be made to store your data securely, but you acknowledge that no method of electronic storage is 100% secure and that we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Legal Disclosure

We may disclose your personal data where we believe, in good faith, that disclosure is necessary to protect the interest of our business, our affiliates, or the general public, or to uphold the law.

This includes:

On-Selling Data

We will never sell any personally identifying information to any third parties.

Unlikely Event of Bankruptcy

In the unlikely event that we go out of business or declare bankruptcy, we may be required to transfer our user information to a third party. That party may use your personal information in accordance with the terms set out in this policy. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur.

Legislative Requirements


California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

Our site does not support Do Not Track signals. This is a preference you can adjust in your web browser to inform websites that you do not want to be tracked. You can change this at any time.

This policy intends to be compliant with CalOPPA.

Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A

This policy intends to be compliant with the Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A.

General Data Protection Regulation (Europe)

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, you have certain data protection rights.

The legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described in this privacy policy depend on the type of data we collect and the context. We may process your personal data because we need to perform a contract with you, if you have given us permission to do so, for payment processing purposes, or to comply with the law. This can only be done if the processing is in our legitimate interests and is not overridden by your rights, which include:

Privacy Policy Changes

We may change our privacy policy from time to time. This is done at our sole discretion, although most changes are likely to be minor. We encourage our website visitors to check this page each time they access our website to ensure they understand the way we use and protect their data.

Continued use of our website after reading this document constitutes acceptance of the terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this document, please contact us.