
Your strong-willed, defiant child wasn’t born with a how-to manual in hand. What helps them function best is coded into a special mix of their brain wiring, nutrition, and a multitude of environmental factors. With expert coaching, you’ll discover the best combination to help them become everything you believe they can be.

What's Included

  • One-on-one coaching with Dr. Carmen ($6,000 Value): four 30-minute sessions per month for six months with expert coach, Dr. Carmen Morrison, leading Child Psychologist and Brain Coach.

  • First of three six-week Master Courses: Unstuck Parenting Brain Reset ($500 Value) - Learn how to re-train your brain to create and reinforce the behaviors you desire for a more satisfying life.

  • "Blanket of support": write or text any time if you've got a question or need help immediately (Priceless).

  • Customized course enrollment: Dr. Carmen will work with you to determine which self-guided courses best fit your needs.

  • Private members' only Facebook group for questions and additional coaching (Priceless). End feelings of isolation as you learn from coaches and others facing the same struggles and those at different life stages.

  • Resource Library: Access to dozens of articles, videos, blogs, and more chosen and summarized by Alli coaches, giving you the latest solutions or research in Parenting, Brain Health, Nutrition, and Relationships.

Bonus Material

Available UNTIL MIDNIGHT on the day you complete your personal call with Dr. Carmen

  • Additional Training

    Choice of 2 additional six-week, on-demand Master Course trainings (Peak Brain Nutrition, Parenting Reset or Relationship Reset) ($1,000 Value)

    • Peak Brain Nutrition: Learn how to evaluate and “feed” your brain essential nutrients, improving your emotional health and ability to function at your best.

    • Parenting Reset: Build a secure connection with your child, helping engage their ability to reason and make good decisions in difficult moments, leading to fewer behavioral problems.

    • Relationship Reset: Gain the skills, practice, and understanding to strengthen your most important relationship for a lifetime.
  • VIP Sessions

    Pass to Exclusive Monthly VIP Sessions ($2,250 Value). Monthly 90-minute group sessions for exclusive coaching and problem-solving live.

Carmen Morrison, Ph.D.

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology – Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA
  • M.A. in Theology – Fuller Theological Seminary
  • M.A. in Education – Alfred University Licensed Professional Counselor in PA
  • Certified Integrative Mental Health Practitioner
  • Dr. Morrison has been licensed as a psychologist in PA since 1995 and is also licensed in Texas
“Each child is like a unique little universe that nobody has ever explored. It is our job as a parent to be the explorer of that universe, to figure out what makes it work. I can help you assemble the tools and build the skills you’ll need for each discovery, to reveal the beauty and wonder within.”
~ Dr. Carmen